Chabom Butter Cookies from Madeira 200g


In Madeira, butter cookies are often enjoyed as a simple snack, but there are some local variations. Many Madeirans like to eat butter cookies with a hot beverage, such as the traditional café da avó (Grandma's Coffee, a milder and sweeter coffee version than the standard one), or a herbal tea, like lemon balm, mint, or fennel, which are typical herbs from this Portuguese island.

Sometimes, butter cookies can be paired with sugarcane honey, a very popular ingredient in Madeira, especially used in local cakes and desserts. The sugarcane honey adds a sweet and slightly bitter touch to the cookies, creating a distinctive combination.

Another option is to dip the butter cookies in poncha, a typical alcoholic drink made from sugarcane brandy, honey, and fruit juice, to give it a unique flavour. This practice is more common during festive occasions or social gatherings.

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In Madeira, butter cookies are often enjoyed as a simple snack, but there are some local variations. Many Madeirans like to eat butter cookies with a hot beverage, such as the traditional café da avó (Grandma's Coffee, a milder and sweeter coffee version than the standard one), or a herbal tea, like lemon balm, mint, or fennel, which are typical herbs from this Portuguese island.

Sometimes, butter cookies can be paired with sugarcane honey, a very popular ingredient in Madeira, especially used in local cakes and desserts. The sugarcane honey adds a sweet and slightly bitter touch to the cookies, creating a distinctive combination.

Another option is to dip the butter cookies in poncha, a typical alcoholic drink made from sugarcane brandy, honey, and fruit juice, to give it a unique flavour. This practice is more common during festive occasions or social gatherings.